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'Don't let the fire in your belly die'

Dr.Urvashi Yashroy

What inspired you take up the profession of teaching? Teaching comes naturally to me as when I was small I would teach imaginary students. My grand mother would always say "Masterani Banegi. I would retort back immediately saying "Mujhe Behanji nahi banana". Probably destiny had it and I became a teacher. But now I feel whatever God plans for you is the best. I have developed my self as a teacher and always aspire to be the best. Till date I get inspired by the new entrants that come every year and join our institutions

What drives you in this career? force is my own aspiration to do the best in whatever I am doing. Perfection is a habit. I am a self-motivated person. Positivity in life is what keeps me going and it is inflicted upon me by people who surround me like my mother in law my husband and my child. I maintain the same aura in my work place too.

Describe the biggest hurdle you have had to face in your path to success?

Hurdles are a part of life, without A word of advise for students. which one will never appreciate the little mercies of the Lord. Initially, in my career, people tried to pull you strive for my leg down but I learnt to derive the best of that situation too.

an educationalist, what is your personal approach towards


teaching? Teaching by doing, or setting examples in every day learning strongly believe an educationalist has to be a good human being first and derive the motivation from within. Teaching is a two way process, both parties learn out of the experience. When one party (esp teacher) ceases to learn, the makes? process is incomplete. I want to be a learner through- out my life.

Your views about the education sector in India. Too much is happening too soon. Indian education system needed a change for sure, but a drastic change in a short span of time has left all confused. President of USA says," take education from India" and Indian system is changing to adapt American standards. The quality is being compromised to accommodate the below average ones. The competition in marks should replaced by the competition

to learn and excel. Education is not a business and should not be treated as one. The education in India needs to be changed from Rote to interactive. Stress should be: on understanding and not on mugging. Train the Trainer policy is the need of the hour, the teachers need to be trained to adapt to the changing times and outlook. A lot is being done, but still. lot is remaining Technology should be utilised to the maximum.


What remedy would you suggest? The brain drain

from India needs to be plugged. Opportunities need to be explored, mindset needs to be changed. Awareness regarding scope and prospects after various streams forward. School level education should be made stress free and college level education more competitive. When a candidate with so many degrees, still doem't display confidence, the purpose of education is defeated there. The stress should be on development of self in a particular stream and not addition of degrees. There is a huge gap between the levels of education all over India, I feel that gap needs to be lessened

Urvashi Yashroy Director, Tull Group of The main driving Educational Institutions need to be brought

'Don't let the fire in your belly die down till you have achieved what

Tips for students to excel in their career and life: In a competitive world, it is tough to survive unless you are ready to give your extra bit. You are what you are so do not get in wrong competition. Be a learner always, be focused, be flexible and be grounded, success is bound to be yours!

What according to you is the biggest mistake today's youth

They are always in a rush, perseverance is a key to sustainable success.

What is the moet effective way to motivate children and navigate them on the right career path? There is no rule book on this. Positivity and solution finding attitude always helps. The vibes should always be affirmative. This cannot be done in a day it starts from the birth, the parent should give affirmations from beginning. We are all beautiful human beings, we only need to explore our inside for the best in us


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